Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Rattling against my shackles fixed true
Kept away from life, feeling so blue
Wracked with the pain of a body breaking
Like whipped ocean waves against the shore

Once golden and perfect as the sun on a summer day
Now, rusted like a key stuck in a lock with no play
I had the world in my hands until it struck
And now I'm left within the confines of a smaller sphere

Youthful hopes and dreams crumbled to ash
Unable to generate my own cash
Stuck between disability and supposed youth
Fallen through the holes in a government so cruel

Left without the care I sorely need
Without a mark, nor do I bleed
How can I show others my plight
How can I let them see my struggle each day

Unable to walk, unable to run
Those days are just no fun
Though I'm glad for my friends
They certainly understand
Eat the Mountain

As kids, we would pick and eat huckleberries, salmonberries, strawberries, blackberries, thistle, clover, dandelions and a whole host of other edibles off the mountains we lived on. Sometimes, as we happened across bears and mountain lions, we wondered if the mountains would eat us. (Thankfully, they were all afraid of our dog, Jenny.) We didn't know it but we were eating the mountain in other ways. Our eyes consumed the greens, blues and other vibrant hues about as our hands consumed the prickly, hard, slippery and soft textures. Our minds consumed the freedom of the area, as well as the exhilaration of the activities it could host. Our souls most definitely drank that freedom. Our experiences living amidst the wilds was all-encompassing, allowing us to consume as much as we wished.
Wilted Flower

I came to you as a rose- though wilted.
Apparent was my lack of sustenance and my cry for love.
As you looked closer, you saw the cuts and bruising, as if from rough handling.
You didn't shy away.
You looked deeper into my soul, seeing life, light, warmth and- most of all- love.
As you fed me, I transformed.
The battered rose disappeared and in its place stood a beautiful wildflower.
Instead of a cultivated beauty that needs direction from those around, mine became wild.
As wild as my love for you.
Uncontrolled by even myself.
My Rose

My love for you budding, slowly at first.
Unfolding as you unfold for my eyes.
A petal at a time.
Enjoying the feel of each.
Raising my appreciation as each unfolds.
Perfectly flawed.
Imperfections as sweet to me as the rest, making me care more.
Love more.
Appreciate more.
Eagerly awaiting the rose's escape from its bud.
You're a Wizard

I awaken to find myself adrift upon a vessel, amidst a rough sea. Knowing its expanse and sure it's impassable for now, I stay aboard and wonder how long I'll need to remain. Who will rescue me? Will anyone care? I look out as pain fills me with nausea, emanating from my feet. No one knows what it's like to be a prisoner like this, where your body is in control of you instead of the other way around. I try not to reflect upon the pre-pain days- a time when I could do anything I desired. Instead, I sigh and look again upon the ocean of plush yarn, knowing the exquisite pain that will surely blossom upon each step I would have to endure. Willing the sea of carpet to become an expanse of smooth, large tile, I sigh in frustration. An hour before my daughter must awaken so she can ready herself to ride upon the magical, yellow vehicle we all know and remember. Of course, she won't even stir on her own. Dying each evening, she must be resurrected and when not even a tornado can do that trick, I still must. I sigh again and fervently wish I could remain upon the safety and comfort of my bed. I imagine myself a great wizard again, adept at transforming surfaces to whatever I wish. Dismissing the fantasy, I sigh again. Nothing good will come from me venturing out on this day. The aches in my feet tell me so.
The Land of Oz

Purchasing entry by way of squeezing through tight foliage brings you to the Emerald City of nature. Once in, you find just enough space to take in the entire sight. As you look around, several shades of green radiate about you. The lighter hue of spanish moss coats all and serves as a backdrop for the dark needles and medium-toned foliage spilling over the ground, just like an ocean wave crests over rocks and sand. If you were to touch your surroundings, you would feel a multidimensional world on your fingertips. Soft, hard, rough and the surprise of the sharp, barbed needles of the devil's club. All are allowed entrance, just as into the Emerald City, who so deigns to squeeze through- the sun's rays included. Viewing the light's change upon entry makes you wonder if they, too, have truly accepted the hue of the forest. Finally, and most surprising, you desire to cast your eyes upward, catching an impossible sight. Perched upon evergreen branches, amidst the ever-present moss, stands seedlings of various sizes. What an amazing thing to view such grand trees holding their children upon their backs, just as a gorilla would!

I have no shelter. The winds of the world whip across my soul unchecked. My body numb and mind blank, I drift out to the sea of grass. Its embrace cradles me as I never experienced in society. The trees surrounding the meadow yearn towards me with gentleness, unlike the harsh metal the man put against my head as he forced me. Crickets sing their soft, lovely lullaby, taking away the sharp shouts and yells of the day. Edging closer, a squirrel searches my hands, its head inquiring peacefully if it may have a nut I hold. I toss it gently over, remembering struggles with people grabbing... ever grabbing. I sigh, hoping it will all melt away but I remember about shelter- perhaps something I will never obtain. Finally, I lift my eyes above to darkness filled with millions of twinkling lights. The stars. They fill the heavens, creating a solid dome above me. My shelter- the roof above my head.
Blowing Snow

Drifts everywhere, blown from all-around, like gypsies or bands of travelers ever on vacation. The wind sighs through the trees, adding their foliage of white to a drift at the forest's feet, as the trees dream of spring. Visions of blossoms dance in their head, as their spring break is postponed this year. Birds flit about in contrast to the winter's harsh lack of color- some blending into a trunk, while others remain stark. A flash of red here against the harsh light of the drifts, then it's gone upon wings and currents as the frenzied wind whips up more snow. The swirls it creates move in a hectic, yet peaceful, way. Not a sound could be heard in the muffled expanse of blowing snow. Just the soft sigh of wind, escaping through the trees, reaching out to the heavens.